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Herscher CUSD #2

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About Us

Mission Statement
The mission of Herscher Community Unit School District #2 is to educate each student to his/her highest potential, to instill in each student an attitude of social responsibility in a safe and orderly environment, and to provide each student with the goals, values and technology to successfully meet the challenges of the 21st Century.

District Staff Listing
 Dr. Richard S. Decman, Superintendent of Schools
Shelly Parsons, Director of Special Services
Dr. Pete Falk, Curriculum Director
Benjamin Seeman, Network Specialist
Michelle Armstrong, Food Service & Transportation Director
Bryan Carlson, Custodial/Maintenance Director

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Nichole Jones, Superintendent Secretary
Melissa Delong, Special Services Secretary
Heather Crane, Payroll/Human Resources
Kristin Milligan, Accounts Payable/Receivable

Britney Page, Operations Secretary 


School Listing
(Prompts will connect to either school, the transportation dept. or the special services dept.)

Bonfield Grade School - Principal Molly Wepprecht
522 E Smith Street, Bonfield IL 60913

Herscher Intermediate School - Principal Brett Miller
391 N Main Street, Herscher IL 60941

Limestone Middle School - Principal Michelle Chavers
963 N 5000 W Rd, Kankakee IL 60901

Herscher High School - Principal Brad Elliot
220 W State Rte 115, Herscher IL 60941


Chain of Command
As in any system, it is important that all parts function together to make the system run efficiently. As a school system, we need to sure that we communicate with all parts of the system and that we are aware of how each of the sub-systems work together to make up the entire system. That means that the transportation department needs to communicate with the buildings, the cafeteria needs to communicate with parents, the staff needs to communicate with administration, etc. There are many more examples of how inter-related we are and because of that, there are many ways the system can break down. Here in Herscher, we pride ourselves in being a system that communicates with all of our departments and stakeholders and take seriously any breakdowns in communication. 

One of the most important parts of a system is to know where to go to get your questions answered or your complaint heard. In either situation, always go to the source first. That may be the bus driver or the teacher. If you are not satisfied with the response at this level, or if you do not receive a response, you need to go to the supervisor of that individual. For the transportation dept, that would be our transportation director. If the issue is with a building staff member, your next level to access would be the building principal. If you have communicated with the supervisor and you are still not satisfied, it is time to move up the communication chain. The next person you would contact would be the Superintendent. If you are still not satisfied with the answer from the Superintendent or if your complaint has not been resolved, you would then contact the Unit Office to contact the Board of Education. We have a process in place that allows community members to have access to the Board, either under the Public Comment Period at the monthly board meetings or in an executive (closed) session. In an attempt to answer any/all questions and to resolve any/all complaints in as timely a manner as possible, we ask that you follow the chain of command below so that things that would otherwise easily be resolved do not have to wait for resolution until the next meeting of our Board of Education.